Wednesday, February 10, 2010


No suggestions were left for today so I chose the first letter on the list I haven't done yet. If you'd like to see something pranked on Wikipedia leave your suggestion in the comments.

Article HERE

The term Ebonics is a portmanteau of the words ebb and phonics. Ebb is defined as a gradual decline and phonics is defined as of or relating to speech; therefore Ebonics literally stands for a gradual decline in speech. Derived from English, Ebonics draws heavily from the phonetic pronunciation of words spoken by one who is extremely inebriated. Ebonics is said to have gotten its start from young, white male fraternity brothers at Harvard University who would frequently leave nearly incoherent drunken voice messages on young females’ answering machines. When approached about the offensive messages, the young white men would blame their singular Black friend for their transgressions, thereby associating the incoherent speech (Ebonics) forever with Black people.

UPDATE: Prank was reverted after 36 minutes. Oh, also, my new account got blocked after only three pranks. My last account got as far as 8 pranks before it was blocked :(

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